Get to know our materials through various samples. You can order the 3D-printed sample parts via our online catalog. Instructions for this can be found at the bottom of this page.
PA 12
PA 12 W
PA 11

Belt case
Sample part made of PA 12 with moving elements (including a belt made of TPU) and optionally a cover made of PA 12, PA 12 W (in white), PA 11, or TPU.
EUR 10, plus VAT.

Grid network
TPU sample part with grid network.
EUR 10, plus VAT.

Thickness set
Small container with screw cap with sheets in thicknesses of 0.5; 0.75; 1; 1.5; 2, and 3 mm.
The base body is made of PA 12, the sheets can be ordered in the respective materials.
EUR 10, plus VAT.

PA 12: Grey, Black (incl. Shot Peening), Black (incl. chemical smoothing)
EUR 10,- plus VAT.

PA 12: Grey, Black
PA 12 W: White, Red (“Candy Apple”), Yellow (“Lemon”), Blue (“HP Blue”), all colors with and without Vapor Smoothing.
EUR 10,- plus VAT.

PA 12: Black
PA 12 W: White, Red (“Candy Apple”), Blue (“HP Blue”) all colors with and without Vapor Smoothing.
EUR 10,- plus VAT.

PA 11: Grey, Black (incl. Shot Peening), Black (incl. chemical smoothing)
EUR 10,- plus VAT.

TPU: Grey, Black with chemical smoothing
EUR 10,- plus VAT.
How to Get Your 3D Sample Set
You can easily order sample parts through our Online Ordering System. To do this, first click on the button “Request a Quote” and then you will be on our page for the 3D Printing Online Service. Select the Catalog tab.

To use the catalog function, you must log in. Once you have logged in, various sample parts that you can order will appear under the Catalog tab.

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service.