3Faktur specializes in industrial 3D printing of serial and end-use plastic components. For this we use the Multi Jet Fusion technology, a powder-based additive manufacturing technology. Our manufacturing includes several post-processing options for the materials we offer PA 12, PA 12 W (white), TPU (Shore 88 – 90A) and PA 11. Not sure which finishing option is best for your application?
Visit our page „Use Cases Post-Processing“.
Deep Dye Coloring

The coloring of the components takes place over a longer period of time (several hours) and under high pressure in an insulated chamber. The color penetrates deep into the material.
Effects achieved
The white starting material is homogeneously dyed into the desired color. There are 17 colors to choose from.
Available for the material:
PA 12 W (Polyamide 12 white) / Multi Jet Fusion | More information
Depending on geometry, size, number of pieces and color choice. Please use our online calculator.
Learn more on our page for Dyeing.
Black Dyeing

A black coloration process developed specifically for the PA 12 material. This is an immersion dyeing process in which the components are pigmented; there is no layer application.
Effects obtained
The gray surface is homogeneously dyed black.
Available for the material:
PA 12 (Polyamide 12) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
TPU / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 11 (Polyamide 11) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
Depending on geometry, size and number of pieces. From approx. 0.50 EUR ; typically 1 – 3 EUR (each plus VAT) per piece.
Special features
Shot peening (see below) is also performed on all black colored components.
Learn more on our page for Dyeing.
Shot Peening

In shot peening, the components are blasted with plastic beads. The relatively large beads hit the component with a high kinetic energy, which compacts the surface. This is an additional blasting process that follows cleaning blasting with glass beads.
Effects achieved
Significantly more homogeneous and scratch-resistant surface. Optimal for visible components. There is no significant reduction in surface roughness.
Available for material
PA 12 (Polyamide 12) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 12 W (Polyamide 12 white) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 11 (Polyamide 11) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
No extra charge (for black dyeing).
Special features
The process cannot be ordered separately. It is used for all components made of PA 12, provided they have been dyed black.
You can find more information on our Shot Peening page.
Chemical Smoothing

The component surface is melted by a few µm by an evaporated solvent. The briefly liquefied material melts on the surface, closes pores and smoothes the surface.
Effects achieved
Smoothing of the surface. Sealing of the surface by closing pores.
Available for material
PA 12 (Polyamide 12) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 12 W (Polyamide 12 white) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
TPU / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 11 (Polyamide 11) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
Depending on geometry, size and number of pieces. From approx. EUR 7, typically EUR 7 – 10 (each plus VAT) per piece.
For more information, visit our Chemical Smoothing page.
Spray Painting

Spray painting of components, unless otherwise specified, with Cerakote® paints (2-K).
Effects achieved
Coating with special colors and effects (e.g. metallic)
Available for material
PA 12 (Polyamide 12) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 12 W (Polyamide 12 white) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
TPU / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 11 (Polyamide 11) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
Very much depending on component and number of pieces.
Visit our Spray Painting page for further information.
Vibratory Polishing

In vibratory polishing, the 3D printed parts are placed in a container together with abrasives (ceramics) and a cleaning solution. This is set in vibration, causing rotation and thus relative movement between the abrasive bodies and the printed parts.
Effects achieved
Smoothing of the surface. Note: The process is not recommended for visible components, but only for components which require a low roughness for mechanical reasons. This is due to inhomogeneous surface compaction caused by the process, which is visually perceptible in the form of color differences.
Available for material
PA 12 (Polyamide 12) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
PA 11 (Polyamide 11) / Multi Jet Fusion | More Information
Depending on geometry, size and number of pieces. From approx. 3 EUR, typically 5 – 10 EUR (each plus VAT) per piece. Minimum purchase: 75 EUR plus VAT.
Special features
Vibratory finishing is only required for very specific applications and is therefore only available on request.