Material Overview

Multi Jet Fusion

Component additively manufactured with Multi Jet Fusion being unpacked
  • Technology: Plastic powder is wetted with a heat-conductive liquid and melted using infrared light. More…
  • Typical quantities: 1 – 5.000 pieces
  • Applications: Functional plastic parts as a series or individual production
  • Build volume:
    • 370 x 274 x 380 mm

Visit our Multi Jet Fusion page to learn more about the process.

PA 12 (Polyamide 12)

Black component additively manufactured with PA 12
Data courtesy of HP

Material properties
Strong, mechanically durable, long-lasting, suitable for demanding applications

Gray or black

Typical applications
Housings, mechanical and structural components, components for handling gases and liquids, decorative elements, fixtures

For further information, visit our PA 12 page.

3D printed fan in white with yellow, blue, red, green and orange covers

Material properties
The material properties are comparable to PA 12, with the main difference being the color.

White and 17 bright colors, e.g. various shades of green, blue and red as well as orange, yellow, grey and others.

Typical applications
Housings, decorative elements, and other functional visible components

Visit our PA 12 W page for more information.

Data courtesy of BASF

Material properties
High elasticity (Shore A 88 – 90), and elongation at break, similar to hard rubber.

Gray or black

Typical applications
Protective enclosures, cushioning elements (mesh structures), devices for sensitive surfaces & high temperatures, orthotics.

For more information, visit our TPU page.

PA 11 (Polyamide 11)

Foot orthosis 3D printed from PA 11

Data courtesy of HP

Material Properties
Flexible material with high breaking elongation and toughness.

Gray or black

Typical Applications
Components with flexible elements such as film hinges, snap connections and orthoses.

Visit our PA 11 page for more information.

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