
In dip dyeing, the components produced are exposed to a dye solution at a high temperature for a short period of time. Pigments are deposited in the material. A layer application does not take place. All dip-dyed components are subjected to a second shot peening process to optimize the surface quality.
We work with two different dyeing technologies: deep dyeing (DyeMansion) for the material PA 12 W and bright colors, as well as a robot-controlled black dyeing process for the materials PA 12, PA 11 and TPU.

DeepDye Coloring for Bright Colors

For the material PA 12 W

Various components colored in yellow, red, blue, green and orange


DyeMansion staining drum with yellow colored components
DyeMansion staining drum with yellow colored components

With deep dye coloring, the dyeing process takes place over a longer period of time (several hours) and under high pressure in an isolated chamber. This offers two advantages:

  1. The color penetrates deeper into the material. This is particularly advantageous for white base material (PA 12 W), as it makes it significantly less sensitive to scratches and the colors appear more intense.
  2. The system is closed and the reaction process is easier to control, which increases replicability compared to the standard process.

Available Colors

The deep dye coloring process is used to effectively color white PA 12 W components. Individual color matching, e.g. for corporate identities, is also possible. Compared to laser-sintered PA 12, PA 12 W is more UV-resistant and its uniform surface ensures a more homogeneous coloring result.
All colors listed here are from the company DyeMansion.

Standard Color - dark blue „Ocean 87“; Dyemansion
Dark Blue „Ocean 87“
Standard Color - dark green - Dark Green 89 - DyeMansion
Dark Green – “Dark Green 89”
Standard Color - red „Cherry 91“; Dyemansion
Red „Cherry 91“
Standard Color - Orange - Fresh Orange 94 - DyeMansion
Orange – “Fresh Orange 94”
Special Color - light gray - Cloudy 80 - DyeMansion
Light Gray – “Cloudy 80”
Special Color -Brown - Cacao 81 - DyeMansion
Brown – “Cacao 81”
Special Color - Violett „Very Peri 83“; Dyemansion
Violett „Very Peri 83“
Special Color - Violet - Violet 84 - DyeMansion
Violet – “Violet 84”
Special Color - Blue - HP Blue 86 - DyeMansion
Blue – “HP Blue 86”
Special Color - green - Avocado 88 - DyeMansion
Light Green “Avocado 88”
Special Color red „Lipstick 90“; Dyemansion
Red  “Lipstick 90″
Special Color - Pink „Peony Pink 92“; Dyemansion
Pink „Peony Pink 92“

Want a different color? Color matching of your specific color is possible. Our customer service team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Black Coloring

For the material PA 12, PA 11, TPU

Components are automatically colored black
Components are automatically colored black


Black is by far the most popular “color”, more than half of all components produced at 3Faktur go through this process. This process is therefore robot-controlled and automated. This not only enables high cost efficiency, but also ensures the repeatability of this chemical process.

Available Colors

Black “Standard”

The printed components made of PA 12, TPU and PA 11 are black on the inside, with only the surface showing a small amount of white of a few micrometers. After coloring, the components are completely black.



3D Printed Cover Drilling Machine
3D printed robot gripper arm
Liquid carrying additively manufactured black component
3D printed pink and blue colored helmet
Data courtesy of HP
3D Printed Skin Colored Orthosis
Data courtesy of Invent Medical & DyeMansion
3D printed glasses in different colors
Data courtesy of Lid Eyewear

The standard coloration is generally suitable for all black visible components. The consistent, colorful dyeing of deep dye technology offers you numerous possibilities in product design. It replaces complex processes such as painting, is scratch-resistant and UV-stable. Examples include:

  • Industrial Signal Colors: Such as orange in electronics.
  • Colored Housings and Visible Components: Coloring can replace painting as it is significantly more scratch-resistant.
  • Medical Applications: Orthoses and other personalized medical products.
  • Consumer Goods: Like eyeglass frames.
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